Montbeliarde Cattle Society 

Montbeliarde Society Committee Members 2024 


Chairperson: Kenny Roberts - 086 3950484 
Vice Chair: Ross McNiven - 086 6050870 
Secretary: Linda Hanbidge-Cliffe - 085 1468923 
Assistant Secretary: Carmel Buckley - 086 3936064 
Treasurer: Alan Hanbidge - 086 1981011 
P.R.O: Brenda Murphy - 087 2820112 

Committee Members: 

Ned Buckley086 8219518 
Albert Evans087 0644299 
Richard Austin 087 6994559 
Con Murphy - 087 2383586 
Michael Guinan086 8766851 
George O Meara086 2743101 
Kyle Hanbidge - 085 7712444 
Jonathan Williams087 6780154 
Ann FitzGerald - 086 3367051 

Herd Book 

Angela Lacey - 051 641106 

Membership Fee Information 

Annual Membership 

€60 - due annually on April 1st 

Direct Debit Registration Costs 

Male Animal : €50 
Female Animal : €40 
ET Registration (Embryo Transfer) : €30 

Change of Ownership  

Change of Ownership/Transfer Fee : €30 

Rules & Downloads 

All correspondence to be addressed to ; Montbeliarde Cattle Society, C/O Angela Lacey, Deerpark, Carrick-On-Suir, Co. Tipperary 
For more information about the Montbeliarde Cattle Society of Ireland and our offerings, please explore our website or contact us directly. We are here to assist you in any way we can.